
Wyświetlanie postów z listopad, 2014

GAE Managed VMs (beta) - define your own environment on top of GAE

Google is bringing new alternative to standard Google App Engine environments: Java, Python, GO, and PHP. Now you will be no more constrained to any predefined development environment / language -  you can configure your own Managed VM using Docker. Managed VM will be spawn on demand to handle your application traffic in similar way as Google App Engine instances are spawn. But using Managed VM you will be able to develop application using any language and environment you want. Now Managed VMs (aka GAE 2.0) are in Beta phase - see docs:

How to start developing Google App Engine applications

To start developing Google App Engine applications you will need: Java SDK 1.7( download ) Eclipse Luna J2EE (Windows: 64-bit or 32-bit , Linux: 64-bit or 32-bit ) Google plugin for Eclipse (may be installed from update site: ) Maven v. 3.1 or higher (download Maven 3.2.3 ) Run command to generate GAE project using Maven $ mvn archetype:generate -Dappengine-version=1.9.22 -Dapplication-id= your-app-id -Dfilter= Then select : 1: remote -> (A skeleton application with Google App Engine) Then use lastest available  archetype version : Choose version:  1: 1.8.7 2: 2.0.0-1.9.10 3: 2.0.1-1.9.20 4: 2.0.2-1.9.21 $ mvn archetype:generate -Dappengine-version=1.9.22 -Dapplication-id= guestbook [