
Wyświetlanie postów z 2015

How to deploy Ruby on Rails application on Google Compute Engine

NOTICE:   To allow better navigation, all actions to be taken are marked with Example: Take this action Introduction This is basic set of instructions to deploy Ruby on Rails application on Google Compute Engine . Google Compute Engine is IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) - in other words, it's managed Virtual Machine, where you can install your software. When setting up Google Compute Engine you can choose machine type, operating system and also you can preload some technology stack (including Ruby on Rails). Step 1: Create Google Cloud Project Login to your google account Go to Click on "Create Project"  Step 2:  Use "Click to Deploy" to deploy with Ruby on Rails stack Go to "Deploy&Manage -> Click to Deploy"   Select from the list "Ruby Stack" and click "Go" Select your "Machine type" and click "Deplo

How to configure custom domain for Google App Engine

Please watch video for instructions. Below you can find additional useful information during the setup. ‘A’ and "AAAA" entries for your domain Please setup those records in DNS settings panel in your domain provider website. Please remove default DNS settings preconfigured by our domain provider, if needed. HOST RECORD TYPE VALUE @ A @ A @ A @ A @ AAAA 2001:4860:4802:32::15 @ AAAA 2001:4860:4802:34::15 @ AAAA 2001:4860:4802:36::15 @ AAAA 2001:4860:4802:38::15 How to setup "www" subdomain for your domain (ex. To setup "www" subdomain for your domain, please go to and open "App Engine apps" section. NOTICE: "App Engine apps" section  is not visible dy default on admin panel. Please add it by clicking "MORE CONTROLS" at the bottom of the page. In "App Engine apps" please

Google App Engine Datastore - OneToMany update operation fails due to bug in JPA datanucleus

NOTICE   Google Cloud Platform documentation states that JPA and JDO should not be used with Datastore ( see: JPA overview , JDO overview ) Developers should consider using low level Datastore API (for simple cases) or use Objectify library which is specifically created for Datastore. This issue has been reported to GAE issue tracker: Code to reproduce this issue is available HERE When this issue occurs GAE SDK Version: 1.9.17 and higher (probably lower versions too - not tested) DataNucleus JPA: 3.1.3, 3.1.4 DataNucleus-Appengine: 2.1.1, 2.1.2 When you use JPA to persist your domain objects and you try to update OneToMany relation by removing old objects and adding new objects. Ex. "User" class has "items" field - classic one to many relation as shown below: User has many Items (OneToMany relation represented by "User.items" field) Why it